Test-Mitochondria expert

Test-Mitochondria expert
Test-Mitochondria expert
“Mitochondria are essential to sustain life” –Source:PMCID: PMC3347708
“Our brains are powered by mitochondria” –”The Living End: The New Sciences of Death, Ageing and Immortality” – by Guy Brown
“When our mitochondria aren’t working well, we cannot produce the energy that we need to feel vibrant and healthy.” –”SECRETS to LOSE TOXIC BELLY FAT! Heal Your Sick Metabolism Using State-Of …” – by J.M. Swartz M.D., Y.L.Wright M.A
tal energy negatively impact mood, motivation and cognition” –Benjamin I. Brown, ND
“A decline in mitochondrial function plays a key role in the aging process and increases the incidence of age-related disorders” –Source: PMID: 20940129
“ It is now clear that mitochondrial abnormalities play a large role in age-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD, PD, HD and ALS” –Source: PMCID: PMC3295247