Glutamate is required for the synthesis of glutathione (GSH).
Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system – It plays important roles in a wide variety of brain functions. At normal concentrations, glutamate is essential for brain functions such as learning and memory.
What the Experts Say:
“glutamate is involved in most aspects of normal brain function including cognition, memory and learning” –”Excitotoxicity in Neurological Diseases: New Therapeutic Challenge” – edited by Carlo Ferrarese, M. Flint Beal
“ Glutamate is essential for balanced brain chemistry and brain health” –”Revitalize Your Hormones: Dr. Dale’s 7 Steps to a Happier, Healthier, and Sexier You” – by Theresa Dale Ph.D, N.D.
“Like serotonin, glutamate is a brain neurotransmitter that is vital to optimal brain function.” –”The OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” – by Bruce Hyman, Cherlene Pedrick
“At normal concentrations, glutamate is crucial for brain functions such as learning and memory.“ –Source: web.stanford.edu – by Stephanie Liou
“Glutamate is essential for normal brain function” –”Instant Psychopharmacology: Up-to-date Information about the Most Commonly …” – by Ronald J. Diamond
“Glutamate at normal concentrations is crucial for CNS function” –”Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation” – by Laurie Lundy-Ekman
“Glutamate is essential for brain activity..” –”Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nursing: A Biopsychsocial Foundation for Practice” – by Eris F Perese
“Research has linked glutamate imbalance to bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)” –”Revitalize Your Hormones: Dr. Dale’s 7 Steps to a Happier, Healthier, and Sexier You” – by Theresa Dale Ph.D, N.D.
“Glutamate plays a key role in learning and memory formation, among other functions”–” It’s My Ovaries, Stupid!” – by Elizabeth Lee Vliet
“Glutamate is essential for short-term and long-term memory” –”Simplicity: Creating Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health Awareness” – by Gord Lund
“Glutamate is essential for learning and memory processes” –”Neurochemical Aspects of Excitotoxicity” – by Akhlaq A. Farooqui, Wei-Yi Ong, Lloyd A. Horrocks
“Glutamic acid is required for the synthesis of glutathione” –”Textbook of Medical Biochemistry” – by S. Ramakrishnan